Contact Us
1060 Crow’s Nest Trail
Branson, MO 65616
Reach out
(417) 338-2524
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From the North:
I-44 to Hwy 65 South to 'The High Road' (Hwy 465) to Hwy 76, turn left, to Indian Point Road and Silver Dollar City stop light; South on Indian Point Road which is the left lane. The right lane is for Silver Dollar City traffic. After crossing the overpass take the next right which is Crows Nest Trail. We are at the end of the road on the lake.
From the South:
Hwy 65 to Hwy 265 to Hwy 76, left on Hwy 76 to the Indian Point Road and Silver Dollar City stop light; South on Indian Point Road which is the left lane. The right lane is for Silver Dollar City traffic. After crossing the overpass take the next right which is Crows Nest Trail. We are at the end of the road on the lake.